Thank you to all of my wonderful followers, I never thought when I started this blog I'd ever get 40. I thought I'd be lucky to have 5!
I wish I could do a giveaway but I can't send out any gifts to you guys and I'm not talented enough to make something for you online. (Even if you wanted that.) One day I will think of something for a giveaway!
And after my dance post yesterday, I found out MORE bloggers are dancers than I thought! So here's the list of Dancer Bloggers I know...
Marisa, Qui, Amaranthine, Elanor Lawerence, Munch, Bailey, Jedi Chick, Evie( I still consider you one), Amy Forder, Endor, and EasyTargetHollie.
So that's 12 people including me just that I know on here.
Dancing and blogging defiantly have a secret connection.
My book Flawed will be public by tomorrow I'm hoping, if not, for sure on Sunday!
Now I'm off to write a Reader's Ramble for the book I just finished, that should be up soon!

Yay!!! *applauds*
Yay for you!!!!!! I'm honored to be your 40th follower!!!! :)
I read your story on Goodreads (or what was posted) and it was FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Sadly, my connection died before I could comment. :P I'll try and get it to work tonight. ;)
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