1) The Groom.
Well like Qui said, we can't choose who we marry. But, if I was able to choose, I would want my groom to be handsome, skinny, and muscular (duh.) I would like him to be the type of person I am, not a partier, drinker, or smoker. I don't want to marry someone with tattoos all over their body, one is okay but a bunch is unattractive. I hope that he will have the same interests as me. also hope he is Christian. I hope my husband has blue or brown eyes, I love those colored eyes on guys. Any kind of colored hair is good, Blonde Brunette or Redhead is fine with me.
Even if my husband isn't all those things, I don't care. I just want to find a husband, period, whom I love and he loves me back.
2) The Place.
I sometimes used to dream about having a wedding on the beach, but it w
ould be too difficult. It would be really windy and messy, and people would have to travel and WHO KNOWS HOW MUCH GAS OR PLANE TICKETS WILL COST BY THAT TIME! So I hope to have my wedding in a nice little church with a nice priest, or an outdoor setting, just as long as it doesn't rain. I'd do a late spring or summer wedding so it's warm.

3) The Song.
I haven't really thought about this. I'm not exactly sure. All I know is I want it to be beautiful.Not depressing. Especially no bag-pipes, those things make me think of death.
4) The Dresses.
This is a hard one.
For brides maids, I would like their color to be either light pink or light blue, or maybe teal. It depends. 

For my gown, I'm not sure. Here's some I like..

Now.. I tag -Bailey @ http://thoughtsofachoirgirl.blogspot.com
-Marisa @ http://thewritingdancer.blogspot.com/
-Converse & Munch @ http://converse-nerd.blogspot.com/
The mermaid style dress is gorgeous!!
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