Anyways, Happy Easter! Hope the Easter bunny was good to you all and you got tons of candy! I got tons of chocolate, I'm going to gain ten pounds! OH WELL...
I went the entire Lent season without eating a special big cookie from my school that I am ADDICTED TO!! I am proud. I almost went crazy and took my friend's cookie a few times, but I knew I had to resist.
If Jesus can give up his LIFE for us I can give up a stupid cookie. Jesus rose from the dead today though, the grave couldn't hold him! He's too amazing and loving! So thank you Jesus for sacrificing everything for us.
Last year on Easter.. April 4th, my uncle died of Melanoma Cancer. It was really sad because when we got the call everyone was at our house for an Easter dinner and it was like a cry fest, literally. But I know God needed him and he's up there in Heaven watching us all. He died on Easter, that has to mean something right? At least that's what we told ourselves when we were so upset.
The Bunny came this morning and left me some awesome candy!

These eggs always remind me of my Grandma who died years ago. She always used to have these around the Easter season at her house, and when I went to visit I always ate them. So she was the one who introduced me to these little bites of sunshine.
And one other funny thing I got was..

And the other day Bailey @ and I dyed some Easter eggs!
Hope you all have a wonderful Easter! (If you celebrate it.)

I <3 <3 <3 those candy eggs. I got like 2 bags of those.
And I'm sorry about your uncle. :( He's up there celebrating Easter with Jesus though. :)
My Grampa just died last month.... But I bet Easter is way better in heaven than it is down here. He's probably looking down here and laughing and thinking how pathetic our easter is(haha) Just kidding. Well, Happy Easter Paige!
@ Qui-
They're so amazing! I'm addicted! and haha I bet :)
@Converse- aw im sorry :( and yeah it probably is way better! That'd be funny if they were actually laughing at us haha :p
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